Saturday, May 21, 2011

end of the world...

you know it wouldnt be so bad if all the christians

Than at least alot of good people would be me ..and rock

If it did ever happen I call sams club...

And just saying..but wouldnt it be cool if it was a ZOMBIE apocolypse and instead of going to heaven the christians turned into zombies?? I could take 90% of christians without any guns or

Friday, May 20, 2011


I made some new stuff for etsy today!:)
got a bunch of supplies too
hobby lobby should thank me
I probably go there 3 times a week!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


made some pretty awesome cameo necklaces that i'm pretty proud of!

And Jordan made this!! I LOVE IT!

And this is kepi our puppy wearing one of my necklaces lol
He is the cutest dog in the world 
NO contest!!!!!!

retail therapy?

I work at a retail giant for a living. Its not what i want to do but its what pays the bills. If i could i would paint for a living but who makes money that way? Certainly not me. I don't even know how you go about getting noticed for things like that all i know is i love to paint. I love to put my whole energy into it and usually when I'm done even if i don't like what i painted i still loved the process. I love the smell and the feel of the brush strokes. I'm a big freak i know.
But sadly as most artistic people do I have to have a regular job too. I did go to college and study to be a teacher but I couldn't keep interest long enough to finish. Blah.. wish i went for something i liked but i didn't even really know what i like for sure till a few years ago. 18 is not the right age to pick what you want to do for the rest of your life.. and now college isn't really an option. Sure I could go back but I gotta make a living too...
Maybe eventually I'll be able to go back. I want to go for computer aided drafting I think. Something I wouldn't be so burnt out on. Who wants to work in retail for the rest of their life? I don't know anyone.
I still have a happy life now.I have a very supportive fiancée and a home and food.  If going to work somewhere I dislike is the worst thing I have to now be it ! Much better than the shit I used to have to deal with on a daily basis .
At least it is just at work I feel upset and most of the time I don't mind. There are some good people I work with. I have made some good friends. Its just the damn customers lol. That and being treated like you don't matter and what you do doesn't make a difference because they could just hire someone else to do the same thing. Doesn't mean they need to treat you that way. And by the way a ten cent raise for a whole year of me busting my ass?NOT COOL!! Its kind of a slap in the fucking face!

But I digress.... anyone who works in retail knows how i feel. It a very thankless job. People treat you like you are their door mats. They look at you like that too. They disrespect every ounce of your being. Its pretty sadistic actually. They think that since they have a better job as a fucking secretary ( no thank u ) that they can be all condescending. Sorry you think you are better than me but guess what? your not!!!

And that reminds me ...IF one more person asks me if the tattoo on my chest hurt..i might kill them....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First post!♥

WELL... hello all.
This is my first blog post ever!
I decided that since I love reading blogs and I love writing in a journal i would start my own blog.
SO .. I'm not really that exciting of a person ...

I grew up in Independence,Mo and it was hell! Growing up there was ridiculous. They are very non accepting of the "new" ways. Teachers go to jail for teaching about Darwinism or about anything not christian so to say the least I never fit in.  I had friends eventually once I got into high school but grade school was pure hell. I was chubby,had freckles,glasses and moved A LOT.
SO you can see that is a lot to make fun of...
So I didn't really make friends until high school . Growing up was really lonely and really hard. I grew up with my mom who didn't know what the fuck she was doing ..all she knew is that she wanted to keep me from my dad so she could get child support, which needless to say doesn't make the best basis for raising your kid!It wasnt until I was about 20 that i felt like i truly knew who i was. And i knew that i couldnt stay in missouri forever. Its the kind of place people get stuck.No one wants to be there, from the weather to the crime , its just not a great place to live.

UNLESS this is what you consider optimum weather.

Which I dont.

Have to go to work now more later!